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Privacy policy

Nobody likes to have their privacy invaded. We don’t like it either. Therefore we don't collect any data from the app unless something goes wrong. If something goes wrong we collect non-identifiable data to be able to fix the problem. We don’t share this data with anyone else.

We could also choose to not collect any data at all, but then we wouldn’t be able to fix any bugs that might occur and that would lead to a worse experience for you as a user using the app.

Is any data collected?

If everything works as it should, no data is collected. If something goes wrong, like if the app crashes or if there is an error, we send information about what went wrong to our error monitoring service (Bugsnag).

What data is collected when something goes wrong?

We collect non-identifiable data.

  • The request to the device on your local network.
  • Information about your Yamaha device:
    • Model name
    • API version
    • Category code (what type of device is it, speaker, receiver, soundbar etc)
    • Netmodule generation
    • Netmodule version
    • System version (firmware version)
  • Information on your computer that runs this software like operating system and version, time of error.

Why do you need information about my Yamaha device?

Some errors aren’t actual errors but the Yamaha device is reporting them as so. To be able to separate them from the real errors we must know what device it is that is reporting this kind of error. We also need to know what version of the API and netmodule that is used to see if there is any compatibility issue.

What is this information used for?

We only use this information to fix bugs and to improve the app. This information is not shared with anyone else.